New Fineo Ultra Thin Double Glazing For Sash Windows

Retrofitted Into Existing Timber Frames

Original timber windows are a beautiful feature that many of us cherish in our homes. The greatest challenge homeowners face is improving the energy efficiency of their home whilst maintaining its historic integrity and aesthetics. This can be a difficult balance to achieve but FINEO has the latest glazing technology to make this possible.

FINEOs revolutionary technology provides the thermal performance of triple glazing within the thickness of single glazing, keeping your home warmer, cosier and more energy efficient than ever before. FINEO is ideal to retrofit into existing timber frames. It boasts an elegant, slim profile, whilst ensuring maximum use of sunlight, often making FINEO the most cost-effective solution for renovation and restoration projects, particularly for historic Georgian, Victorian or Edwardian homes.

fineo homeowners
Heat map

Turn Your Glass Into Radiators

Single glazed, timber sash and case windows are notoriously poor at retaining the heat in your home. The heat loss through single glazing is around 70%. This is because it has a high U-value (5.8 W/(m².K), meaning it is a poor insulator, the single pane is usually the same temperature as it is outdoors.

In the colder months of the year, as you heat your home, the warm air comes into contact with the cold single glazing and the air drops down, often mistaken for a draught through the joints of the window. This results in a constant convection in the room where the warm air is cooled by the single glazed window – and continual heat loss, which over time is hugely expensive.

Ultra slim FINEO glass has a low U-value of 0.7 W/(m².K), which is equivalent to triple glazing, and up to 8 times better than single glazing.

Retrofitting FINEO into your existing timber framed windows will transform them into invisible radiators by keeping heat in and cold out, no matter what the temperature is outside.

The latest in glazing technology designed for period homes

Fineo Comparison

A Warmer, Cosier Home:
FINEO vacuum-insulated glass will make your home feel much warmer when compared to single or double-glazing. It’s exceptionally low u-value means that the inside pane is warmer, eliminating draughts and cold spots. 

Preservation of Historic Window Frames:
Protected structures cannot replace the original glass with modern double-glazing as it is usually far too thick to fit into the original frames. FINEO not only preserves the authentic look of the building but increases the comfort of the home. FINEO can also offer the authentic look of older glass where necessary for certain regulations.

FINEO is an ultra-thin double glazed unit, allowing you to easily maintain your home’s original charm and sophistication when you choose to retrofit; making FINEO a sustainable solution.

Clear, Natural Daylight:
FINEO allows you to enjoy more light during the darker, winter months than thicker glazing units.